How to Set Meaningful Goals Any Time of Year: A Positive and Practical Approach

One of my favorite things about being an elementary school teacher in a previous life was the excessive amount of colorful pens, notebooks, etc. I love a good excuse to cut pictures out from a magazine and make a vision board or make a list of any variety. So, if making New Year’s resolutions is motivating and fun for you, let’s do it! But I want to be very clear that there is nothing special that happens on January 1. Have an idea of some goal you wanna set? Start tomorrow! Start on Monday, really whenever. January 1 only has power over us because the media has told us that it does. Your life is a never-ending project and you will not wake up on January 1 and be magically motivated to make changes.

Setting Meaningful Goals

That being said, sometimes we need that extra little push of motivation and maybe going into a new year is that extra little push for you. But as we are thinking about setting goals for ourselves, no matter what time of year it is, I want to really encourage you to do a couple things…

  1. Positive Self-Talk: Frame Your Goals with Optimism

    Positive language only! We’re not here to beat up on ourselves for mistakes that we’ve made in the past. We are looking forward and thinking positively. When you’re thinking about your motivation behind goals, think forward, not behind. So maybe if you want to lose weight, you don’t write that down as I want to lose 10 pounds because my pants don’t fit. But maybe it becomes, I want to lose 10 pounds because I want to have more energy

  2. Start Small and Build Momentum

    If you’re working out one day a week right now, it is definitely not sustainable to decide you’re gonna start working out five days a week. Start by adding one or two days.  Making your goals realistic gives you a much higher chance you’re going to stick to them.

  3. Skip the Deadlines: Try Check-In Dates Instead

    I don’t necessarily believe in deadlines for goals. Instead, think about setting a check-in date. Maybe in a month you want to sit down and look at your list of goals and see where you are with them. But especially if you’re just getting started with something new, try to avoid giving yourself a deadline.

  4. Include a friend or a Coach!

    Make it Social! One of my BFFs and I used to sit down every month with our planners, set up our planners for the next month, and answer some questions about what our mood was like, our sleep habits, how active we were. Just giving us a chance to check in on how the month went and then set some intentions for the following month.

  5. Don’t Be Afraid to Ask for Help

    I have several friends who are incredible life coaches if you’re not even sure what your next set of goals is going to look like. We acknowledge help in so many areas of our life, why would preparing for your future be any different?

    I offer personal training and other forms of movement, check them out here!

Questions?  Comments?  Let me know!


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